Pomoc Ukrainie - Wspierając Rodziny w Trudnych Czasach Witamy na stronie poświęconej naszej inicjatywie, która ma na celu pomaganie rodzinom Ukraińskim, które znalazły się w trudnej sytuacji w Polsce. Jesteśmy świadomi, że migracja i różne wyzwania życiowe mogą stawiać przed nimi wiele trudności. Nasze Stowarzyszenie powstało z chęci niesienia wsparcia, nadziei i pomocy dla tych rodzin, aby pomóc im przezwyciężyć trudności i zapewnić lepszą przyszłość.

Welcome to our website dedicated to our initiative aimed at assisting Ukrainian families facing challenging situations in Poland. We are aware that migration and various life challenges can present many difficulties for them. Our Association was created with the intention of providing support, hope, and assistance to these families, helping them overcome obstacles and secure a better future.

Bienvenidos a nuestro sitio web dedicado a nuestra iniciativa enfocada en ayudar a las familias ucranianas que enfrentan situaciones difíciles en Polonia. Somos conscientes de que la migración y los desafíos de la vida pueden presentar muchas dificultades para ellas. Nuestra Asociación fue creada con la intención de brindar apoyo, esperanza y asistencia a estas familias, ayudándolas a superar obstáculos y asegurar un futuro mejor.

Bienvenue sur notre site dédié à notre initiative visant à venir en aide aux familles ukrainiennes qui rencontrent des difficultés en Pologne. Nous sommes conscients que la migration et les défis de la vie peuvent engendrer de nombreuses difficultés pour elles. Notre Association a été créée dans le but d'apporter soutien, espoir et assistance à ces familles, les aidant à surmonter les obstacles et à se garantir un avenir meilleur.

Benvenuti sul nostro sito dedicato alla nostra iniziativa volta ad aiutare le famiglie ucraine che si trovano in situazioni difficili in Polonia. Siamo consapevoli che la migrazione e le diverse sfide della vita possono presentare molte difficoltà per loro. La nostra Associazione è nata con l'intento di fornire sostegno, speranza e assistenza a queste famiglie, aiutandole a superare gli ostacoli e garantire un futuro migliore.

Project Participants:

Logo Polskie Centrum Bezpieczeństwa i Prewencji Incydent - Ochrona Danych Osobowych

How can you support us?

Order 25 printed mugs for your company and thus support our organization.

Donate a minimum of USD 250 and we will make mugs for you with your print and send them to you.

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After payment, send us your logo or graphics that you want to have on the mug to the following e-mail address: office@inkspire.fun.
When sending us a logo or graphic, please provide your name and surname or the name of the company provided during payment.

Want to order more mugs? and thus support our activities? Please select the appropriate quantity or value below. We thank you with all our hearts on behalf of all those who will receive this support.

[wpedon id=21296]

How do we allocate the funds?

This is a transparent process. The cost we incur to produce 25 cups is $107 USD, including shipping costs to your location. The remaining amount of $143 USD is allocated to support children and families in Ukraine, a country affected by war. The entire fund is dedicated to children's education, clothing, food, school supplies, and hygiene products. During the summer season, we aim to bring smiles to children's faces by organizing trips to the swimming pool, cinema, and recreational activities. Help us bring as many smiles as possible.

The smile of another person gives you energy